It's a Pup's Town; We're Just Living in it!

Hi everyone! My name is Sulley! My momma calls me Sulley Wulley and Baby Boo Boo but I’ll pretty much answer to anything if you give me attention. I’m a Shi-Poo which means I’m part Shih Tzu and part Poodle. Mom calls me a 20lb fluff of pure energy. My mom is the Tourism Director for the Town of Brookfield which is one of my favorite places to go in the whole world! I meet so many new furends every time I go to the Town. I’m sure you’ve probably heard “the Town is very pet friendly” and “dogs are always welcome,” but I’m sure you’ve heard that from all the hoomans. Well, I’m here to tell you, from a pup’s perspective, five of my favorite things to do in the Town!

1. Watching the Game in Market Square

My absolute favorite thing to do in the Town is watching Bucks or Brewers games on the big screen in Market Square at The Corners of Brookfield. There are always so many new people and other doggos to meet! Everyone gets so excited when our teams score. Plus I love giving daddy a high-five! 

2. Playing with my cuzzies in Brooks Park

Brooks Park is the only pet friendly park in the Town of Brookfield but that’s just fine with me. There is so much open space for my cousins and I to play! My auntie Brittany always brings treaties for us if we’re good boys. We like to play in the grass and bark at the geese that swim in the pond.

    • These are my cuzzies, Jordy and Floyd!

3. Shopping at Twigs

Momma loves Twigs at The Corners of Brookfield and I do too! When we walk in the staff get so excited to see me and give me pets. They let me sit on the big chair and give me attention while mom shops. Sometimes we’re in there so long I take a little nap on the chair but that’s ok because it’s super comfy.

    • Did you know The Corners of Brookfield has these little paw-print-signs to let you know if the store is pet friendly? Twigs is!

4. Eating at Belair Cantina

Ok, I don’t really get to eat Belair Cantina food (sad pup), but I do get to sit on the patio while mom eats lunch. That’s ok with me because sometimes mom will give me a chip or two (don’t tell daddy). Mom likes to go when there is live music playing in Market Square.

    • There are a lot of restaurant patios around the Town where pups are welcome. I haven’t gotten to try them all yet, but I do like a good challenge!

5. Sitting on the patio at Kopps Custard

Who doesn’t love frozen custard?! Mom gets me a tiny scoop of Kopps Custard in my own bowl and we sit on the patio. I gobble up my custard and while mom finishes hers, I usually meet new people who give me pets.

Mom also says there are some hotels in the Town that are pet friendly. I’ve never been because we live so close but maybe I can convince mom to take a staycation and let me come with. I do like to visit new places! Well, it’s time for me to go and do some paw-trolling (there’s a new neighbor and I think they’re up to no-good) and then I think it’s nap time. Next time we talk I’ll tell you all about the fun festivals in the Town of Brookfield, including the Dog Dash Discover 5K. I hope to see you out in the Town this summer and if you see me make sure you stop and say hi!